Have you discovered our new range of gorgeous botanicals? The lovely dried flowers, roots, fruit peels and powders are perfect for adding colour, scent and natural benefits to your soaps, creams, bath bombs, cosmetics and more!
We've created this fantastic soap recipe using dried calendula flowers.
What is calendula?
Calendula flowers are more commonly known as marigold flowers and they come from the Calendula Officinalis plant. The bright orange flowers are dried to preserve their beneficial properties and they have a potent floral and earthy aroma.
What is calendula used for?
Calendula has long been used for it's skin healing properties. The petals are naturally rich in flavonoids which are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect so it's often added to creams for rashes, eczema, dermatitis and wounds.
In this soap recipe we make a calendula infused oil to extract the goodness from calendula flowers, and supercharge your soap!
Why make calendula soap?
Making your own soap means you know exactly what has gone into it. You can ensure that the ingredients are of high quality, that they contain no nasties and you can tailor it to suit your skin. Our calendula soap recipe is gentle on your skin, soothing and will help retain the natural moisture in your skin.
Making soap is also great for your wallet. From our recipe you will get 9-10 good sized bars of soap, which should last you ages!
Read on to find out how to make cold process calendula soap.
- Clip top jar to store the infusion
- Filter cloth, cheesecloth or coffee filter
- Measuring jugs, ideally 2x 1L and 1x 2L
- Digital scales
- Gloves
- Goggles
- Digital thermometer
- Stick blender
- Soap mould or DIY alternative
- Silicone spatula
- Heatproof bowl

- Olive oil 450g | 490ml plus extra for topping up after the infusion
- Coconut oil 315g
- Unrefined cocoa butter 135g
- Water 270g
- Sodium hydroxide 130g
- Lemongrass essential oil 12g | 14ml
- Ginger essential oil 5g | 5ml
- Tea tree essential oil 11g | 12ml
- Dried calendula flowers 50g
Safety note: Sodium hydroxide is hazardous, and will burn your skin and eyes if it touches them. Wear gloves and goggles at all times. If it gets on your skin, rinse well with plenty of water for 15 minutes. In case of eye contact, rinse well for 15 minutes and seek medical attention. Keep away from pets and children at all times.
Makes 9-10 bars of soap
Takes 1 hour making time, 3 weeks for the infusion and 4-6 weeks curing time
This recipe uses a 5% superfat to make your soap extra moisturising.

1. Make the calendula infused oil
- Weigh the dried calendula flowers and olive oil
- Add both to the clip top jar
- Shake gently to combine
- Leave to infuse for 3 weeks, shaking the jar every few days

2. Mix the sodium hydroxide solution
- Put your gloves and goggles on.
- Open the window, the fumes will be unpleasant.
- Weigh the water.
- Weigh the sodium hydroxide.
- Add the sodium hydroxide to the water, not the other way around.
- Mix well until combined.
- Leave to cool down, it will be hot.

3. Filter the calendula infused oil
- Filter the calendula infused olive oil
- Squeeze and squash the calendula flowers to get as much olive oil out as possible.
- Discard the calendula flowers
Add more olive oil to make the infusion oil up to a total of 450g

4. Weigh and melt the oils
- Weigh the coconut oil and cocoa butter
- Add the solid oils to the calendula infused olive oil in a heatproof bowl
- Heat over a pan of boiling water, or using short bursts in the microwave
- Mix well until combined
- Remove from the heat and allow to cool
- Weigh the essential oils in a separate jug and mix to combine

5. Check the temperatures
- Test the temperature of your melted oils, they should be between 35C and 40C.
- Reheat them or leave them to cool more if necessary
- Test the temperature of the sodium hydroxide solution, it should be between 25C and 40C.
- Leave to cool if necessary, but don't reheat if it's too cool. Just heat the oils a little more to compensate.
- When the temperatures are right, add the sodium hydroxide solution to the oil mixture
6. Blend until trace
- Mix with the stick blender and blend with short bursts.
- Watch for the mixture starting to thicken.
- Test for trace by dripping soap batter on the surface of the mixture. If the drips sit on the surface then your mixture has reached trace.
- When your soap has reached a light trace, add the essential oils.
- Mix and blend until combined
7. Pour into moulds
- Pour the soap mixture into moulds. Explore our range of moulds here!
- Tap the mould to get rid of air bubbles
- Leave on a flat surface for 48 hours before unmoulding
8. Unmould and cure
- Take your soap out from the mould
- Put the bars with gaps in between them, and leave to cure for 4-6 weeks.
Continue reading
Now that you've learned how to make calendula soap, why not continue learning?
- Interested in more cold process soap recipes? Try our lavender cold process soap recipe
- Want to try an easy melt and pour soap? Try our rosemary melt and pour soap recipe
- Would you like to learn more about essential oils? Read more about how to use essential oils for soap making.