Make your own face treatment

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Make your own face treatment

So, I often get asked which oils I recommend for which purpose, so here's a great recipe for a face treatment. 

This recipe is made for people who have easily blocked pores on their face, and who find oil treatments often leave them with spots.

I recommend leaving this recipe unfragranced to keep it nice and gentle on the skin.

All you need is 3 oils - that's right, only 3!


Peach kernel oil - carrier oil for face treatments


Its so easy, just pour the oils into a jug and mix them together!

Do you need some bottles to put your new creation in?

How to apply it

Now you've created your amazing face treatment, you're going to have to apply it. 

Go carefully here, and test a little for sensitivity on a small patch of your skin. It doesn't always work for everyone, so just check you're not one of the unlucky ones!

A little goes a long way, those of us with easily blocked pores need to tread carefully here. Pour out an amount the size of a small 1p coin into your palm and rub it in between your palms.

Next, apply it to your face and try to avoid particular problem areas for spots.

I find the best time for application is just before bed, but if this recipe is still blocking your pores try applying it 15mins before a shower, and only applying half the amount.

Enjoy! And spread the word - natural is best!

Want more? Try should you use coconut oil on your hair?

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